Anniversary in field research technology
We support research technicians all over the world in their everyday work with innovative machines and services. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the field research technology division.
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22. February 2024
We support research technicians all over the world in their everyday work with innovative machines and services. The blacksmith Johann Zürn laid the foundations for today‘s company back in 1885. The field research technology team is based on the knowledge of the Hege employees, who developed the first viable plot combine 60 years ago.
The Hohebuch domain remains a reliable partner for researchers all over the world, even 60 years after the first Hege machine was built in 1963. Today, Zürn Harvesting develops and manufactures innovative field research technology at this historic site. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the field research technology division.
It all began in 2004, when a team of former Hege employees brought the idea of developing a high-performance plot combine harvester into the Zürn company. The very next harvest, the first machine went into the field at the Saatzucht Breun plant breeder in Herzogenaurach, Germany.
Nowadays, Zürn offers a complete product range for sowing, cultivating and harvesting agricultural field trials. 20 years after the first trial model, ZÜRN plot combines support plant breeders and research technicians worldwide in their daily work: threshing grass seed in Holland, multiplying sugar beet seed in Sweden or harvesting soybeans in Brazil. In international rice breeding programmes in Colombia or in the breeding of new maize and wheat varieties in the Great Plains of North America. Whether in Asia, Africa or Australia, Zürn plot combine harvesters are at home in every field in the world.
Each plot combine harvester is customised for its special tasks in agricultural testing and precisely adapted to the test layout. These days, the ZÜRN 150 is a rolling laboratory that harvests not only the grain but also provides immediately available data on yield and ingredients.
In the process, the development team always focussed on practical requirements. Therefore, future users were closely involved in the development of the first ZÜRN 150 – at that time still labelled under the working title „Phoenix“. Even 20 years later, this has not changed: Numerous features available today are based on the wishes of loyal customers. For example, many experienced drivers were able to „try out“ the new comfort cabin during development and contribute their wishes.
Most recently, many bespoke solutions have been developed, not only for plot combine harvesters. There are also tailor-made solutions for sowing and cultivation, such as the ZÜRN 550 high-clearance tool carrier or the Zürn d82-AXL direct seed drill.
We support research technicians all over the world in their everyday work with innovative machines and services. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the field research technology division.
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