Anniversary in field research technology
We support research technicians all over the world in their everyday work with innovative machines and services. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the field research technology division.
On our job and career
career pages you will
find all vacancies and
application opportunities.
In the regional agricultural
machinery dealership you
will find the complete range
of services for
agricultural machinery.
At the manufacturer of
cutting units and field trial
technology, you will find
machines for productive
and sustainable agriculture.
The pioneer camera
guidance offers a full range
of mechanical weed control
products and precision
guided hoes.
Every single thing we do revolves around agriculture and agricultural machinery. Why is that? Maybe because we were born into it?
This is true for some of us, including myself. But despite all the tradition, dedication and sense of duty – it does not explain why we stick to it and why we are impassioned about what we are working on, what we are creating.
The reasons are just as multifaceted as agriculture itself is: the strong connection to nature, the joy of growth, the production of healthy food, the visibility of the results – opportunities to shape things on the one hand and the humility in the face of things that are beyond our control on the other. And last but not least, the inspiring people and various personalities who work in and with agriculture. We introduce you to some of them in our website.
While other industries have to hire PR agencies to identify a ‘purpose’ in what they are doing, this deeper meaning is already ‘firmly installed’ in agriculture – in you and us.
How lucky and grateful we are to be working in agriculture!
Managing Director
We support research technicians all over the world in their everyday work with innovative machines and services. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the field research technology division.
Would you like to join an innovative family company that operates both locally and internationally? Would you like to sow your knowledge and reap success as part of a team?
We offer you a host of opportunities to forge your career. Whether you are looking to complete an internship, start an apprenticeship, write a thesis or apply for a job opening, browse our job offers to find the challenges and opportunities that suit you.